Netclips Co., Ltd is continuing to invest and attend in the development of various software what is necessary for storage operation management, such as Ontopview which is intergrated storage management software and SLB which manages and monitors storage nodes and TCM which is filesystem intergrated mamangent software.

What is OntopView?

Storage intergrated software for SCALEWAY which is Scale-out NAS

Development background

checkStorage intergrated software for SCALEWAY which is Scale-out NAS

checkNeed to enhance graphics part and advance product image.

checkNeed functional reinforcement when using NAS

checkThe need to diffrerentiate and create high-quality products form competitors

Basic Function

fiber_manual_record Cluster Management

fiber_manual_record Node Management

fiber_manual_record File System Management

fiber_manual_record Data management and Performance management

fiber_manual_record Monitoring : Physical status monitoring of each nodes such as CPU, Memory, Network, Traffic

fiber_manual_record User management and Permission setting

발전 현황

  • 2018

    OntopView 5.0(based-on WEB) development in progress

    check Development based-on java, jsp, spring Framework
    check Enhanced Administrator's detail function
    check Enhanced monitoring
    check Enhanced User interface
    check Support Explorer 10+, Chrome
  • 2016

    OntopView 4.1 Development and Distribution

    check Development based-on java, jsp, spring Framework
    check Renewed to Web version
    check Possible to management by URL connection without any installation
    check Simplify functinality
    check Support Explorer 9+, Chrome
  • 2013

    OntopView 4.0 Development and Distribution

    check Developed by CS version
    check Developed based-on dotnet framework
    check Works only in Windows-based environment when the Program distributes
    check Simplify functinality
    check Enhanced Administrator's monitoring function
  • 2012

    OntopView 3.2 Development and Distribution

    check Developed based-on JAVA
    check Developed for Linux CentOS
    check Manager-oriented function reorganization
  • 2009

    OntopView commercialization

    check Designed based on JAVA
    check Monitoring multiple nodes in one window
    check Separate Linux version and AIX version by OS

Status of Certification and Registration

Telecommunication Technology Association Good S/W Certification

Manual Download